If you’ve ever tried to lose excess weight, you’ve probably gotten this advice: drink more water. Or perhaps it was more specific: drink a full glass of water before each meal. The second suggestion seems like a reasonable idea, right? If you fill your stomach with water before eating, you’ll feel fuller and stop eating […]
Which migraine medications are most helpful?
If you suffer from the throbbing, intense pain set off by migraine headaches, you may well wonder which medicines are most likely to offer relief. A recent study suggests a class of drugs called triptans are the most helpful option, with one particular drug rising to the top. The study drew on real-world data gleaned […]
What is a tongue-tie? What parents need to know
The tongue is secured to the front of the mouth partly by a band of tissue called the lingual frenulum. If the frenulum is short, it can restrict the movement of the tongue. This is commonly called a tongue-tie. Children with a tongue-tie can’t stick their tongue out past their lower lip, or touch their […]
Do children get migraine headaches? What parents need to know
Headaches are very common in children and teens. In fact, more than half will suffer from headaches at some point, and by 18 years the majority of adolescents have had them. And while most headaches are part of a viral illness, some are migraines. In fact, recurring migraines affect as many as one in 10 […]
Still confused after Flovent discontinuation? What to know and do
What happens when a widely used medicine is no longer available at pharmacies across the US? Until recently, Flovent (fluticasone) inhalers were frequently prescribed to help control asthma. If you or your child relied on these products, you may be scrambling to find medicines that will help you stay healthy without breaking the bank. What’s
Ever worry about your gambling?
Are online gambling and sports betting new to your area? Are gambling advertisements catching your eye? Have you noticed sports and news shows covering the spread? Recent changes in laws have made gambling widely accessible, and its popularity has soared. Occasional bets are rarely an issue. But uncontrolled gambling can lead to financial, psycholo
4 things everyone needs to know about measles
When measles broke out in 31 states several years ago, health experts were surprised to see more than 1,200 confirmed cases –– the largest number reported in the US since 1992. Measles is a very contagious, preventable illness that may cause serious health complications, especially in younger children and people who are pregnant, or who
Does sleeping with an eye mask improve learning and alertness?
All of us have an internal clock that regulates our circadian rhythms, including when we sleep and when we are awake. And light is the single most important factor that helps establish when we should feel wakeful (generally during the day) and when we should feel sleepy (typically at night). So, let me ask you […]